Lolita Type: Limited (Snow White)
• Name: Yuki Shiro
• Nicknames: n/a
• Age: Unknown (appears 18)
• Orientation: Straight
• Race: Human
• Occupation: Princess
• Magical Abilities: Unknown
• Weapons: n/a
• Relatives: n/a
• Hobbies: needle point, playing the harp, playing with animals
• Personality: Yuki is a very polite and sweet girl who has an air of innocence about her. She can also be a little naive at times and doesn't see the danger in certain things. But she's easy to get along with and admired by many.
• History: Yuki's existence was nothing more than a story in an old fairytale book before a spell brought her to life. She emerged from the pages, confused and afraid, her storybook prince poised beside her. However, the two who brought her to life gave her and the others a home since they had no way of sending her back to her story.
• Miscellaneous: She doesn't like apples and always expects mirrors to speak.
• Text Color: #F5CF34
• Current Residence: n/a
• Current Love Interest: n/a